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Embedded module TQMa35 - Linux BSP documentation


Kernel command line parameters

In the following section special commandline parameters for the TQMa35 kernel are given:

Display selection

Selects desplay and configures backlight curve.

video=mx3fb:< EDT480272 | EVERVGG482270 | ETV570 | CLAA070LC0ACW | FG0700K5DSSWBG01 | AUOG104SN02 >

USB OTG mode selection

Configures the USB OTG controller

otg_mode=<host | device>


MBa35 only

Configures the LVDS Transmitter at power up

default: 0 (Off)

lvds=<0 | 1>


Enable / Disable the eSDHC3 controller at power up

emmc_mode=<none | emmc>


Framebuffer console and Bootlogo support are not compiled in. To test fuctionality you can use fbtest utility:

root@tqma35 $ fbtest 


All GPIO pins are exported using sysfs and are accessible using their value node.

To set an output write “0” or “1” to the value node of gpio n:

root@tqma35 $ echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio<n>/value 
root@tqma35 $ echo "0" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio<n>/value 

To query current state of gpio n:

root@tqma35 $ cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio<n>/value 


Switching the backlight using sysfs

To switch the backlight sysfs file nodes are provided. Use

root@tqma35 $ echo "0" > /sys/devices/platform/mx3_sdc_fb/graphics/fb0/mx3_sdc_bl0/bl_power

to switch on and

root@tqma35 $ echo "1" > /sys/devices/platform/mx3_sdc_fb/graphics/fb0/mx3_sdc_bl0/bl_power

to switch off.

Dimming of the backlight using sysfs

To dim the backlight sysfs files are provided.

To query max / current brightness use:

$ cat /sys/devices/platform/mx3_sdc_fb/graphics/fb0/mx3_sdc_bl0/max_brightness
$ cat /sys/devices/platform/mx3_sdc_fb/graphics/fb0/mx3_sdc_bl0/brightness

To dim the backlight use (value in the range of 1 … max_brightness):

$ echo "<value>" > /sys/devices/platform/mx3_sdc_fb/graphics/fb0/mx3_sdc_bl0/brightness

System updates using U-boot

Linux Kernel update

U-Boot has to be configured to work with your TFTP-Server

Make sure the following environment variables existing and are configured correctly:

Configure update helper:

MX35 U-Boot > setenv prg_kernel tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${kernel}; erase ${kernel_addr} A02FFFFF; cp.b ${loadaddr} ${kernel_addr} ${filesize}; setenv filesize
MX35 U-Boot > saveenv

Now the kernel image can be updated using the following shortcut:

MX35 U-Boot > run prg_kernel

Rootfs update

U-Boot has to be configured to work with your TFTP-Server

This works only for JFFS2 rootfs on NOR flash

Make sure the following environment variables existing and are configured correctly:

MX35 U-Boot > setenv ramdisk_end a1ffffff (für 32MB Flash)
MX35 U-Boot > setenv prg_rootfs tftpboot ${loadaddr} ${rootfs}; erase ${ramdisk_addr} +${filesize}; ${ramdisk_addr} ${ramdisk_end}; cp.b ${loadaddr} ${ramdisk_addr} ${filesize}; setenv filesize
MX35 U-Boot > saveenv

Now the rootfs can be updated using the following shortcut:

MX35 U-Boot > run prg_rootfs