Embedded module TQMa7x - PTXdist Linux BSP documentation

Using PTXdist to create the BSP firmware

We suggest to read the following page before proceeding with this page
We suggest to build the BSP with the default configuration for the fist time.

Getting help

  1. The manual is your friend. See Downloads where to get it.
  2. See the README in your BSP root folder
PTXdist 2015.02.0                Build System for Embedded Linux Systems

  ptxdist <action [args]> [options]

Setup and Project Actions:

  menu				enter main control menu

  setup				setup per-user preferences
  boardsetup			setup per-board preferences

  projects			show available projects
  clone <from> <to>		create a new project, cloned from <from>.

  menuconfig			configure the project's filesystem

  menuconfig kernel
  kernelconfig			configure the kernel

  menuconfig platform
  platformconfig		configure the platform

  menuconfig collection		configure the collection

To configure the system (e.g. add additional packages) you can start the PTXdist menu:

$ ptxdist menu
PTXdist menu

To add additional packages to your root filesystem simply use the ptxdist tool. The ncurses based UI is the same that is used by the linux kernel with “make menuconfig”. It can be used the following way:

  • use the up / down arrow keys to navigate in the menu
  • use the left / right arrow keys to navigate between buttons
  • select / deselect packages and options using the SPACE key
  • enter submenus or press buttons using the ENTER key

Dependencies between packages should be automagically resolved. Software is organized in sections.

Configure and Build the BSP

First of all you need to choose for which platform you want to build and which userland configuration should be used.
The commands in the following sections have to be executed within the BSP root directory.

Configure the BSP for the desired hardware platform and software configuration using the correpsonding command from the following table:

Platform Configuration Command
MBa7x linux/mainline ¦ busybox init ¦ Qt5 tools/config-mba7x
linux/mainline ¦ busybox init tools/config-mba7x.tiny
linux/mainline ¦ systemd init tools/config-mba7x.sd

Building the BSP:

Execute in the BSP root directory

$ ./tools/config-mba7x
$ ./p images


$ ptxdist platform configs/platform-tq-tqma7x/mba7x/platformconfig
$ ptxdist select configs/platform-tq-tqma7x/ptxconfig.qt
$ ptxdist go --git
$ ptxdist images

PTXdist downloads some packages. If it reports some errors please