Compile U-Boot

Download and extract the archive with the patches. Then download the basic version using git.

user@ubuntu:/.../src$ git clone u-boot
user@ubuntu:/.../src$ cd u-boot/
user@ubuntu:/.../src/u-boot$ git checkout -b v2010.06 a59e27997637a2395ae2cc7f809127f24119a167
user@ubuntu:/.../src/u-boot$ stg init
user@ubuntu:/.../src/u-boot$ stg import -t -s ~/source/uBoot/patches-tqma35_2010.06/series

The variables ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE have to be set accordingly.

user@ubuntu:/.../src/u-boot$ export ARCH=arm
user@ubuntu:/.../src/u-boot$ export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/freescale/usr/local/gcc-4.4.4-glibc-2.11.1-multilib-1.0/arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-

Both commads can also be added to ~/.bashrc or to the system wide configuration file /etc/bash.bashrc.

To configure and compile with make the following commands have to be executed:

user@ubuntu:/.../src/u-boot$ make distclean
user@ubuntu:/.../src/u-boot$ make TQMa35_config
user@ubuntu:/.../src/u-boot$ make all

Update U-Boot

The update process in the target is described on the page Update U-Boot.
