~~NOCACHE~~ ~~NOTOC~~ \\ \\ ===== Starterkit Interfaces and Functions ===== ===== SSH connection on STKa8XxS ===== Please keep in mind that the following instructions focus on simplicity, not on security. For the sake of simplicity password authentification can be used for SSH. === Setup Yocto build environment === The OpenSSH sftp server is not installed into the image by default, add the following to your local.conf to install it. IMAGE_INSTALL_append = “openssh-sftp-server” === Setup on Target === To setup a password for the default user root, execute the command **passwd root** and set your password. === Modify SSH configuration === Uncomment the following options in **/etc/ssh/sshd_config** to allow that the user root can authenticate with a password on the STKa8XxS. PermitRootLogin yes PasswordAuthentication yes \\