===== Setup Eclipse IDE for ===== Cross compilation for the platform is only supported on a Linux based developement host! ===Prerequisites=== * BSP built according to [[en:::linux:yocto:quickstart_yocto| quickstart guide]] * Built Yocto SDK based on the current RootFS configuration, installed on the development host. See [[en:::linux:yocto:how_to:development_host#build_yocto_sdk|Build Yocto SDK]] how to build it. * Configured SSH login on target. See [[en:::linux:yocto:how_to:target#ssh-connection|setup ssh connection]] * Configured Network connection to the development host ==== Additional Yocto Packages ==== The following has to be added to the local.conf file in the build directory or to your custom image recipe: EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = " eclipse-debug" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " openssh-sftp-server" ==== Setup Development Host ==== The Eclipse IDE requires the following packages installed on the development host: * build-essential * gdb * gdb-multiarch * git * default-jre On a Ubuntu based development host, they can be installed by the following commands: sudo apt install build-essential gdb gdb-multiarch git default-jre \\ You may download the latest //Eclipse for Embedded C/C%%++%% Developers// from the [[https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/|offial download page]] (Linux). The steps for this manual were directly tested with version [[https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/technology/epp/downloads/release/2022-12/R/eclipse-embedcpp-2022-12-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz|2022-R12]].\\ \\ Afterwards extract the Eclipse tarball e.g. to your home directory, by default the folder is named eclipse. cd ~ tar -xf ~/Downloads/eclipse-embedcpp-2022-12-R-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz ==== Eclipse Startup ==== Now Eclipse can be started from a terminal. However for the Cross Compiler to work properly, you will need to source ''/opt/dumpling-wayland/4.0.5/environment-setup-cortexa7t2hf-neon-tq-linux-gnueabi'' beforehand. \\ \\ Since you would need to do that every time before starting the IDE, you might want to create a short launch script to source the environment variables and open Eclipse with only one command instead: echo -e "source /opt/dumpling-wayland/4.0.5/environment-setup-cortexa7t2hf-neon-tq-linux-gnueabi\n~/eclipse/eclipse" > eclipse_emb_tqma6ulx.sh chmod +x eclipse_emb_tqma6ulx.sh Now you can simply execute your ''./eclipse_emb_tqma6ulx.sh'' everytime to start the IDE for tqma6ulx-developement. ==== Create a new C or C++ Project ==== Select **File → New → C/C%%++%% Project**\\ then select eighter //C// or //C%%++%% Managed Build// and click Next.\\ ===Important Notes:=== * Make sure to select //Cross GCC// in the toolchain field * //Cross compiler prefix// and //Cross compiler path// configuration should be left empty! ====Cross Compiler Configuration==== What is left now, is to tell the Cross Compiler to read the variables that you just sourced before starting the IDE.\\ Open the Project-Properties (Right click project -> properties) \\ \\ First select **All configurations** in the configuration field, then select **C/C%%++%% Build → Settings → Cross GCC Compiler** and enter the following into the Command-field: ''${CC}''. \\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:1.png?800|}} \\ \\ In **Cross GCC Compiler → Miscellaneous** change //Other flags// to: ''${CFLAGS} -c''.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:2.png?800|}} \\ \\ Now move into **Cross GCC Assembler** and change the //Command// field to: ''${AS}''.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:3.png?800|}} \\ ====only for C Projects:==== Move into **Cross GCC Linker** and change the //Command// field to: ''${CC}''.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:c1.png?800|}} \\ \\ In **Cross GCC Linker → Miscellaneous** change //Other flags// to: ''${LDFLAGS}''.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:c2.png?800|}} \\ ====only for C++ Projects:==== Move into **Cross G%%++%% Compiler** and enter the following into the Command-field: ''${CXX}''. \\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:c_1.png?800|}} \\ \\ In **Cross G%%++%% Compiler → Miscellaneous** change //Other flags// to: ''${CXXFLAGS} -c''.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:c_2.png?800|}} \\ \\ Move into **Cross G%%++%% Linker** and change the //Command// field to: ''${CXX}''.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:c_3.png?800|}} \\ \\ In **Cross G%%++%% Linker → Miscellaneous** change //Other flags// to: ''${LDFLAGS}''.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:c_4.png?800|}} \\ \\ Click //Apply and Close// to leave the properties menu. ==== Add your first programm ==== In case you created an empty project, you now might want to fill it with something, be it something arbitrary like a "hello world" to get started.\\ Create a new //Source File// inside your project structure, name it ''main.c'' and fill it with the following: #include int main() { printf("Hello TQ-Starterkit\n"); return 0; } ==== Remote Debug Configuration ==== * Setup the SSH Connection Starterkit for further information see the section SSH Connection * Setup the Network Connection on the Starterkit Select Run → Debug Configurations \\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:d1.png?1000|}} Double Click **C/C%%++%% Remote Application** and click on New to create a new connection to the target \\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:d2.png?1000|}} Select SSH in the drop down menu and click OK \\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:d3.png?400|}} * Select a Connection nam * Enter the IP address of the Target * Enter the user name that is used to login on the target * Select Password based authentication and enter the password for the user that is used to login on the target {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:d4.png?600|}} Specify a path and name for your C/C%%++%% Application on the target.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:d5.png?1000|}} Switch to the Debugger tab and enter the path to GDB debugger file from the yokto sdk.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:d6.png?1000|}} Click apply and close to leave the Debug Configuration or start debugging immediately by hitting //Debug//.\\ You can now start remote debugging by selecting the debug configuration you just created.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:d7.png?400|}} You will be prompted to switch to the Debug View, press "Switch". Inside the Debugview you will most likely find the programm halted at a breakpoint at the start of main. Hit resume to run the programm.\\ {{:en:arm:tqma6ulx:linux:yocto:how_to:development_host:d8.png?2000|}}