TODO: eMMC Aktivieren \\ - Connect a USB stick (FAT32 formatted) to the mainboard - Boot the system into the BIOS menu and move to the desired BIOS screen - Press **** to take a screenshot of the actual screen - Select the desired storage device in the pop-up window and press **** The file will be stored as **YYYYMMDDhhmmss.BMP** * Connect a USB stick (FAT32 formatted) to the mainboard * Boot the System into the UEFI shell * Press **** to take a screenshot of the actual screen * Select the desired storage device in the pop-up window and press **** The file will be stored as **YYYYMMDDhhmmss.BMP** ----- To activate or deactivate eMMC Support apply the following settings:\\ \\ 1. Boot the system into the BIOS menu\\ 2. Set up 'SCS/SCC Configuration' option in the BIOS Menu accordingly:\\ BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > RC Advanced Menu > PCH-IO Configuration > SCS Configuration > eMMC 5.1 Controller = 3. Press **** to save the settings and reboot the system To activate Console Recirection in the BIOS via the serial port in addition to the display output on the Starterkit apply the following steps.\\ It can be useful for BIOS remote control tasks. \\ \\ ==== On Starterkit ==== * Connect a null modem cable to the desired serial interface (e.g. SER0) * Boot the system into the BIOS menu * Enable 'Console Redirection' option in the BIOS Menu and the corresponding serial port (e.g. COM1): * Setup Utility > Advanced > Console Redirection > Enabled \\ * Press **** to save the settings and reboot the system ==== On Host PC ==== * Connect the null modem cable to an available serial port * Run your favorite terminal emulator on your Host PC (we recommend //TeraTerm Pro//) * Configure the serial port according to the table below: ^ Bautrate: | 115200 | ^ Data bits: | 8 | ^ Parity: | none | ^ Stop bits: | 1 | ^ Handshake : | XON/XOFF | ⇒ Reboot the Starterkit and use the terminal emulator to set up the BIOS Depending on the baseboard used, it may be necessary to limit the USB speed of the USB3.1 ports to Gen1 (5Gbit/s). The MB-COME6-4 is designed for USB3.1 Gen2 with 10Gbit/s, but on other baseboards this speed can cause instability of the USB interface. The USB speed can be limited individually for each USB3.1 port in the UEFI. 1. Boot the system into the BIOS menu\\ 2. Set up 'USB3.1 Portx Speed Selection' option in the UEFI Menu accordingly:\\ BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > PCH-IO Configuration > USB Configuration > USB3.1 Portx Speed Selection 3. Decimal numbers from 0 to 15 can be entered in this field. When this number is converted to binary, each bit represents a USB port ==== Examples ==== === Set all USB-Ports to Gen2 (default): === To enable Gen2 on all USB-Ports, USB3.1 Portx Speed Selection must be set to 0.\\ {{:en:x86:tqmx120:0.png?nolink&200|}} \\ \\ === Set all USB-Ports to Gen1: === To enable Gen1 on all USB-Ports, USB3.1 Portx Speed Selection must be set to 15.\\ {{:en:x86:tqmx120:15.png?nolink&200|}} \\ \\ === Set USB-Port 0 and 2 to Gen1: === To limit USB to Gen1 on Port 0 and 2 only, USB3.1 Portx Speed Selection must be set to 5.\\ {{:en:x86:tqmx120:5.png?nolink&200|}} \\ \\