Table of Contents

Virtual machine with VMware player

Configuration of virtual machines

Used versions

  • Ubuntu 16.04_64 LTS x86 as guest OS
  • Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB as host OS
  • VMware® player 12.5.8 Build 7098237


Setting up Ubuntu on Vmware Player

Configuration of network bridge



Configuration of the target

The IP address of the virtual machine must be registered as the server IP in the target.

Configuration of NAT (Network Address Translation)



Copying of virtual machines

When copying virtual machines, chances are that a new Ethernet device with a new MAC address is created. If the Ethernet device gets a new name (eth2 …), you have to add auto to the name of the interface in the file etc/network/interfaces (e.g., auto eth2). Then the service networking must be restarted (sudo service networking restart). Alternatively, you can edit the file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and assign the MAC to the eth0 device.