Select one of the supported hardware platforms, select a software configuration and start building the image.

The available hardware platforms for TQMLS102xA are:

Platform name Path to config file
MBLS102xA configs/platform-tq-tqmls102xa/mbls102xa/platformconfig

Currently the following software configurations are available:

Configuration Path to config file
Minimal rootfs w/ busybox configs/platform-tq-tqmls102xa/

Building the BSP:

Execute in the BSP root directory

$ ./tools/config-mbls102xa
$ ./p images


$ ptxdist platform configs/platform-tq-tqmls102xa/mbls102xa/platformconfig
$ ptxdist select configs/platform-tq-tqmls102xa/
$ ptxdist go --git
$ ptxdist images