Embedded module TQMLS10xxA - OpenWrt Linux BSP documentation


The instructions on this page have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) in a VMWare virtual machine.

The instructions on this page refer to the BSP and ancillary tools listed in the following table:

BSP Revision 0001
OpenWrt Release Master branch
Target Devices tqmls1043a-mbls10xxa
U-Boot 2018.07 + TQ patches
Linux 4.19.108 Mainline + OpenWrt patches + TQ patches


The distribution of your choice, however, may not have installed all required packages by default. Commonly missing packages (package names taken from Debian based systems) include:

sudo apt-get install subversion g++ zlib1g-dev build-essential git python python3 python3-distutils libncurses5-dev gawk gettext unzip file libssl-dev wget libelf-dev ecj fastjar java-propose-classpath python unzip  

BSP build

It's strongly recommended to use git for downloading both the Yocto Project / Poky Release as well as ci-meta-tq (instead of downloading archives and extracting them).

1. Create a local copy of the OpenWrt repository

git clone -b TQMLS10xxA

2. Checkout BSP release on new local branch.

cd openwrt
git checkout OpenWrt.TQMLS10xx.BSP.SW.0001 -b openwrt-tqmls10xxa

3. Setup local branch to track the remote branch.

git branch -u TQMLS10xxA

4. Configure the Build

cp ci/tqmls10xx_defconfig .config

5. Build an Image for STKLS10xxA

make world

6. Write the Image to SD Card
the resulting SD Card image is openwrt/bin/targets/tqmls/tqmls10xxa/openwrt-tqmls-tqmls10xxa-tqmls1046a-mbls10xxa-ext4-firmware_sdcard.img

sudo dd if=openwrt/bin/targets/tqmls/tqmls10xxa/openwrt-tqmls-tqmls10xxa-tqmls1046a-mbls10xxa-ext4-firmware_sdcard.img of=TARGET_DEVICE

8. Boot the STKLS10xxA from SD card

Please see the DIP Switch Settings how to setup the Starterkit to boot from SD Card.