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</label> <label mod_name_mtq>TQMa8</label> <label mb_name>MB-SMARC-2</label> <label mb_name_code>mb-smarc-2</label> <label bsp_rev>0092</label> <label bsp_notation>BSP.SW</label> <label ... ]]</label> <label mtq_machine_default>tqma8xqps-mb-smarc-2</label> <label mtq_repos>//ci-meta-tq//</label>... ge-weston</label> <label mtq_machines>++tqma8xqps-mb-smarc-2|TQMa8XQPS REV.03xx on MB-SMARC-2++ \\\ ++tqma8xdps-mb-smarc-2|TQMa8XDPS REV.03xx on MB-SMARC-2++</label> <lab
target @en:arm:tqma8xxs:linux:yocto:how_to
29 Hits, Last modified:
ds_description>**Note:** For the backlight on the MB-SMARC-2 you can bridge X14 pin 1 and 2 to provide 12V. </label> <label lvds_table>^ Interface ^ Devic... 2-lvds0-tm070jvhg33.dtb | | LVDS0, dual | imx8qxp-mb-smarc-2-lvds0-g133han01.dtb | | LVDS1 | imx8qxp-mb-smarc-2-lvds1-tm070jvhg33.dtb |</label> <label lvds_example><device tree>'' (e.g. ''setenv fdt_file imx8qxp-mb-smarc-2-lvds0-tm070jvhg33.dtb'')</label> </embed> <emb