This tutorial was tested on STKa6x BSP with Rev.0104 and BSP Rev.0105

SPI can be tested with spidev_test from the kernel sources.
spidev_test is included by default in the BSP, you will find it under /usr/bin/.

spidev_test is a loopback test, to use it on the Starterkit put a bridge between the pins X27_43 (SPI1.MOSI) and X27_44 (SPI1.MISO).

To run spidev with /dev/spi0.1 you need to specify the device with -D parameter

root@MBa6x:cd /usr/bin
root@MBa6x:/usr/bin ./spidev_test -D /dev/spidev0.1

console output with open bridge:

console output with closed bridge:

spidev_test is a loopback test, to use it on the starterkit put a bridge between the pins X28_51 (ECSPI5.MIS0) and X28_53 (ECSPI5.MOSI).

To run spidev with /dev/spi4.0 you need to specify the device with -D parameter

root@MBa6x:cd /usr/bin
root@MBa6x:/usr/bin ./spidev_test -D /dev/spidev4.0

console output with open bridge:

console output with closed bridge:

  • Last modified: 2022/08/04 15:02