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PTXdist 2013.01 (BSP 0105)

PTXdist 2012.07 (up to BSP 0104)

Component Status min. BSP Remarks
System + 0100 busybox, udev, systemd
Display + 0100 fbtest / fbset / fbv
Touch (USB / RS232) + 0102 ts_calibrate / ts_test, How-to
Touch (PMIC MC13708) + 0102 ts_calibrate / ts_test, How-to
Audio + 0103 aplay / arecord (needs SDMA firmware)
USB + 0102 usbutils
I2C + 0102 i2c-tools
GPU + 0104 freescale provided binaries, see How-to
VPU + 0105 V4l2 and gstreamer 0.11 with patches, needs CODA firmare, see How-to
GUI + 0104 Qt 4.8 (optional), see How-to
Key: + tested | - untested | ? open
  • Last modified: 2022/08/04 15:04