The installation of Qt Creator and its configuration for software development on the TQ-modules is described on this page. An Ubuntu 14.04 VM was used as development host system and the TQMa6x as reference module for this tutorial.

You have to install the Python devel packages on the build host and then compile the OSELAS toolchain !

Install python devel packages

  1. Update Packetmanager
    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install python devel packages
    sudo apt-get install python-dev



  • Target system with operating RootFS
  • User with password (needed for ssh remote access)
  • gdbserver
  • OpenSSH with sshd and sftpd (disable dropbear in ptxdist menu and build a new image)
  • Network connection to development host

Manual installation

  1. Download Qt Creator
  2. make the downloaded file executable
    chmod a+x
  3. start with sudo
    sudo ./

    and install Qt creator

Ubuntu packetmanager installation

  1. Update Packetmanager
    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install Qt Creator
    sudo apt-get install qtcreator

In the main window of Qt Creator select the tab Tools and in the dropdown menu Options

In the Options menu select Build & Run from the menu tab on the left side then select the Compilers tab and click on Add button on the upper right side then select Custom from the dropdown menu

Now you have to set

Name should be named like the toolchain compiler in this case <PTXCONF_GNU_TARGET>
in this tutorial arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf

Compiler path /path/to/your/BSP source/<PTXCONF_PLATFORM>/sysroot-host/lib/wrapper/<PTXCONF_GNU_TARGET>g++
in this tutorial /home/tq/workspace/BSPs/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0104/platform-MBa6x/sysroot-host/lib/wrapper/arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf-g++

Make path /usr/bin/make

ABI set the following from the dropdown menus

processor architecture operating system OS flavor binary format system architecture
arm linux generic elf 32bit

In the main window of Qt Creator select the tab Tools and in the dropdown menu Options

In the Options menu select Build & Run from the menu tab an the left side then select Debuggers tab and click on Add button on the upper right side

now you have to set

Name should be named like the toolchain compiler in this case <PTXCONF_GNU_TARGET>
for this tutorial arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf

Path debugger path /path/to/your/toolchain<version>/<compiler version>/gcc-<version>_glibc-<version>_binutils-<version>_kernel-<version>-sanitized/bin/<compiler version>-gdb
for this tutorial /opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2013.12.2/arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf/gcc-4.8.3-glibc-2.18-binutils-2.24-kernel-3.12-sanitized/bin/arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf-gdb

In the main window of Qt Creator select the tab Tools and in the dropdown menu Options

In the Options menu select Build & Run from the menu tab on the left side then select Qt Versions tab and click on the Add button on the upper right side a filemanager window appers

navigate to /your/BSP source/platform-<PTXCONF_PLATFORM>/sysroot-cross/bin/qmake-cross

for this tutorial /home/tq/workspace/BSPs/TQMa6x-BSP_REV.0104/platform-MBa6x/sysroot-cross/bin/qmake-cross

In the main window of Qt Creator select the tab Tools and in the dropdown menu Options

in the Options menu select Device and click on Add button
The device configuration wizard appears

select Generic Linux Device and click on Start Wizard
in the following window you have to set the connection parameters

The name to identify this configuration you can enter any Name here e.g. <your device name>
for this tutorial STKa6x

The device's host name or IP address enter device name or IP address of the target
for this tutorial

The username to log into the device enter username for user on the target device
for this tutorial root

The authentication type select password
for this tutorial password

the user's password enter password for user on the target device
for this tutorial ••••

In the main window of Qt Creator select the tab Tools and in the dropdown menu Options

In the Options menu select Build & Run from the menu tab an the left side then select Kits tab and click on Add button on the upper right side

you have to set

Name Name for the Kit
for this tutorial TQ generic ARM v7

File system name
for this tutorial generic-armv7

Device type select Generic Linux Device

Device will be automatically fill up if you configured a device before

Sysroot set your root debug folder /path/to/your/BSP source/platform<PTXCONF_PLATFORM>/sysroot-target
for this tutorial/home/tq/workspace/BSPs/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0104/platform-MBa6x/sysroot-target

Compiler select compiler you configured before
for this tutorial arm-v7a-gnueabihf

Debugger select debugger you configured before
for this tutorial arm-v7a-gnueabihf

Qt version select Qt version you configured before
for this tutorial Qt 4.8.6(sysroot-cross)

Qt mkspec

To create a new project select File > New file or project > Other Projects > Empty Qt Project

  • Last modified: 2022/08/04 15:02