In this tutorial we use the STKa6x and BSP Rev.0109, but you can easily adapt this example to any other TQ staterkit and BSP.

Make sure you are in the BSP root directory

user@ubuntu-vm:~$ cd workspace/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109/

To create a new package, we will use the command ptxdist newpackage.

user@ubuntu-vm:~/workspace/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109$ ptxdist newpackage

usage: 'ptxdist newpackage <type>', where type is:

  host                     create package for development host
  target                   create package for embedded target
  cross                    create cross development package
  klibc                    create package for initramfs built against klibc

  src-autoconf-lib         create autotoolized library
  src-autoconf-prog        create autotoolized binary
  src-autoconf-proglib     create autotoolized binary+library
  src-cmake-prog           create cmake binary
  src-qmake-prog           create qmake binary
  src-linux-driver         create a linux kernel driver
  src-make-prog            create a plain makefile binary
  src-stellaris            create stellaris firmware
  font                     create a font package
  file                     create package to install existing files
  kernel                   create package for an extra kernel
  barebox                  create package for an extra barebox
  image-tgz                create package for a tgz image
  image-genimage           create package for a genimage image
  blspec-entry             create package for a bootloader spec entry


For further details on adding packages please see the PTXdist manual
"How to become a PTXdist Guru", section 4.2 Adding new Packages.

In this tutorial we will create a package of type src-make-prog (which simply consists of a Makefile and a single C source file) by executing:

user@ubuntu-vm:~/workspace/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109$ ptxdist newpackage src-make-prog

You need to provide some basic details regarding your package, namely package name, version number, package author and the package section1)

ptxdist: creating a new 'src-make-prog' package:

ptxdist: enter package name...........: hello-world
ptxdist: enter version number.........: 0.1
ptxdist: enter package author.........: TQ-Embedded <>
ptxdist: enter package section........: project_specific

After entering the required information two files are created within the BSP's local rules/ directory.

generating rules/hello-world.make
generating rules/
rules/hello-world.make so called “rule file”, controls the build process
rules/ so called “menu file”, defines menu entries, dynamic configuration and dependencies

Unless it alread exists, PTXdist asks if it should create a folder local_src/hello-world. If you say Y here (or just confirm the preset [Y/n] by hitting *ENTER*) PTXdist will create a skeleton for our package:

local_src/hello-world does not exist, create? [Y/n] y
Makefile Makefile used by the make program
@name@.c source file (where name is actually the name of our package)

Let's have a look at the contents of local_src/hello-world/hello-world.c:

user@ubuntu-vm:~/workspace/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109$ cat local_src/hello-world/hello-world.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	printf("Hello World, I'm hello-world!\n");

In order to have our new application built by PTXdist, you have to select it in the ptxdist software configuration. Please execute ptxdist menuconfig and select hello-world <NEW>:

user@ubuntu-vm:~/workspace/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109$ ptxdist menuconfig 
 .config - PTXdist 2015.05.0
  ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────── PTXdist 2015.05.0 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  │  Arrow keys navigate the menu.  <Enter> selects submenus ---> (or empty submenus ----).  Highlighted letters are hotkeys.   │  
  │  Pressing <Y> includes, <N> excludes, <M> modularizes features.  Press <Esc><Esc> to exit, <?> for Help, </> for Search.    │  
  │  Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded  <M> module  < > module capable                                                         │  
  │                                                                                                                             │  
  │ ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │  
  │ │                         < > Enable DVI on startup                                                                       │ │  
  │ │                         <*> eGalax touchscreen support                                                                  │ │  
  │ │                         [*]   eGalax for HardFloat toolchain                                                            │ │  
  │ │                         <*> gpio service scripts                                                                        │ │  
  │ │                         < > hello-world (NEW)                                                                           │ │  
  │ │                         <*> kmsfbwrap                                                                                   │ │  
  │ │                         [*] netperf                                                                                     │ │  
  │ │                         <*> phyio                                                                                       │ │  
  │ │                         <*> regmon                                                                                      │ │  
  │ │                         < > smsc9303                                                                                    │ │  
  │ │                         <*> configure SMSC95xx MAC on MBa6x REV.0200 on startup                                         │ │  
  │ │                         <*> spidev_test                                                                                 │ │  
  │ │                         < > stm32flash                                                                                  │ │  
  │ │                         <*> stress-ng                                                                                   │ │  
  │ │                         <*> tq-systems-media                                                                            │ │  
  │ │                         < > collection of small examples (Qt5)                                                          │ │  
  │ │                         --- ------------------------------------                                                        │ │  
  │ │                             Project Name & Version          --->                                                        │ │  
  │ │                         --- --------- Host Options -------------                                                        │ │  
  │ │                             PTXdist Options                 --->                                                        │ │  
  │ │                             Host Tools                      --->                                                        │ │  
  │ │                             Cross Tools                     ----                                                        │ │  
  │ │                             Debug Tools                     --->                                                        │ │  
  │ │                         --- ------------------------------------                                                        │ │  
  │ │                             Root Filesystem                 --->                                                        │ │  
  │ │                             Core (libc, locales)            --->                                                        │ │  
  │ │                         [ ] Core (initramfs)                ----                                                        │ │  
  │ │                         --- ------------------------------------                                                        │ │  
  │ │                             Shell & Console Tools           --->                                                        │ │  
  │ └─────────────────────────┴(+)────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │  
  │                                  <Select>    < Exit >    < Help >    < Save >    < Load >                                   │  

To actually build the hello-world application you have to execute ptxdist go –git2)

user@ubuntu-vm:~/workspace/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109$ ptxdist go --git

After that execute ptxdist images to create a new SD/eMMC image with the “Hello, World!” application included.

user@ubuntu-vm:~/workspace/TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109$ ptxdist images

Now you can boot the target using the newly created image and run the “Hello, World!” application:

root@MBa6x:~ hello-world
Hello World, I'm hello-world!

The default value for package section is project_specific, which means we will find our “Hello, World!” application at the very top when looking at the Software Platform Configuration (ptxdist menuconfig) of our BSP
The parameter –git is optional, however, it proves useful in certain situations
  • Last modified: 2022/08/04 15:02