x86 Yocto Quickstart Guide
The meta-tqmx86 layer extends the Yocto Project's reference system Poky to provide support for all TQ Embedded x86 CPU Modules, including the TQMxE40C2.
For further details regarding Yocto Project please refer to its official documentation.
Setup Build Host
Yocto Project / Poky requires a Linux build host, so first of all you need a development workstation (or a virtual machine) with a Linux distribution installed.
Please refer to section Compatible Linux Distribution of the Yocto Project Quick Start for supported linux distributions and section Build Host Packages for required build host packages for those distributions.
Image build instructions
1. Create a local copy of ci-meta-tqmx86
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/tq-systems/ci-meta-tqmx86.git
2. Checkout BSP release on new local branch.
cd ci-meta-tqmx86 git checkout scarthgap.TQMx86.BSP.SW.0002 -b scarthgap_x86
3. Update git submodules:
git submodule sync git submodule update --init
4. Configure Build:
export MACHINE=intel-x86-64-tqmx86 export DISTRO=poky
4. Setup build environment1):
source setup-environment build x86
source setup-environment build
5. Build an Image for STKxE40C2:
bitbake core-image-base
sudo dd if=tmp/deploy/images/intel-corei7-64-tqmx86/core-image-base-intel-corei7-64-tqmx86.wic of=TARGET_DEVICE
7. Boot the STKxE40C2 from SD card or USB Stick
Use Linux Developement Kernel (Hardknott only!)
with newer CPUs it is necessary to use a more current kernel version. In this case the intel developement kernel branch can be used. Please see the README for the current version of the development kernel.
To use the development kernel, the following line must be added to the conf/local.conf file:
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel_intel-corei7-64-tqmx86 = "linux-intel-dev"