BIOS Overview

BIOS Overview

BIOS Revision BIOS Version CSE Firmware Version BIOS Binary
Rev. 0104 TQMxE40M_05.
Rev. 0103 TQMxE40M_05.
Rev. 0102 TQMxE40M_05.
Rev. 0100 TQMxE40M_05.



  • Insyde Core Update to tag_05.45.47.0023
  • Fix not working Fan Control
  • Adapt RGMII Reset signal
  • Disable Advanced Boot Option
  • Add some switches to SioTqmx86
    • COM Express Serial Port 0 Routing
    • Gigabit Ethernet LED Configuration
    • COM Express eSPI / LPC Interface
    • FAN Frequency

  • Insyde core update to version
    • integrate PINCTRL Patch → enabled
    • close several security vulnerabilities
  • Configure IRQs 7, 9 and 12
    • fix high processor load when interrupt functionality enabled in EAPI driver
  • Define USB overcurrent mapping table to COM Express spec
  • Add additional SPD data for Micron MT53E512M32D1ZW_046

  • fix not booting system after flash update
  • update GBE UNDI driver
  • add fan control while booting
  • Adapt setup menu
  • Fix not working fan under OS (enable EC lite)
  • Adapt pcie ports showin in SCU
  • Insyde core update to version
  • Support CAN interface in SCU
  • Remove PCIe_CLK_Req pins in GPIO initialization table
  • Adapt setup menu
  • Set SMBIOS data
  • Disable UART Postcode Support
  • Change Default Configuration
    • Serial IO UART 2 <Disabled>
  • Fix not booting system when pressing power button
  • SioTqmx86: Remove USB0 host present information
  • Remove PCIe_CLK_Req pins in GPIO initialization table
  • SioTqmx86: Fix not assuming UART configuration
  • SioTqmx86: Add Serial Port 1 Routing menu
  • Fix not working fan under OS (default configuration)

  • Set Timeout to 0 seconds
  • Correct Board ID String
  • Do not show Dual or Legacy Boot Type option
  • Reduce SD card speed
  • Adapt setup menu (hide some options)
  • Change Default configuration
  • PSE Configuration
    • UART0 <None>
    • UART1 <None>
    • QEP0 <None>
    • QEP1 <None>
    • QEP2 <None>
    • I2C0 <None>
    • I2C1 <None>
    • I2C6 <None>
    • I2C7 <None>
    • CAN0 <PSE owned with pin muxed>
    • CAN1 <PSE owned with pin muxed>
  • SerialIo Configuration
    • I2C0 Controller <Disabled>
    • I2C2 Controller <Disabled>
    • I2C3 Controller <Disabled>
    • I2C4 Controller <Disabled>
    • I2C6 Controller <Disabled>
    • I2C7 Controller <Disabled>
    • UART0 Controller <Disabled>
    • UART1 Controller <Disabled>
  • Other
    • eMMC 5.1 HS400 Mode <Disabled>
    • HID Event Filter Driver <Disabled>
    • REFRESH_2X_MODE <Enabled for WARM or HOT>
    • eMMC 5.1 Controller <Disabled>
    • SDCard 3.0 Controller <Disabled>
    • C states <Disabled>
    • eMMC 5.1 HS400 Mode <Enabled>
    • Enable HS400 software tuning <Enabled>
    • Audio Link Mode <Advanced Link Config>
    • DMIC #0 [ ]
    • DMIC #1 [ ]
    • SNDW #1 [ ]
    • Additional Serial IO devices [X]
    • HSUART1/RS485 <None>
    • UART2 <Host owned with pin muxed>
    • HSUART2/RS485 <Host owned with pin muxed>
  • Do not restore defaults after CMOS lost
  • Fix not working 4GB memory variant
  • Hide DDR50 eMMC mode
  • Correct memory SPD data (adapt to Intel recommended)
  • Fix not working Ethernet
  • Set Ethernet GPIOs, gpio muxing and variable defaults same as CRB
  • Set CPLD UARTs to fix address and IRQ configuration
  • Set USB3 speed capability to Gen1
  • Enable UFSx2 to fix Power State issue
  • Disable Console Redirection
  • Fix missmatch message in PSE SCU
  • add eMMC driver 1930
  • Set Power Strap VVV SFR_OG_PG to YES
  • SioF81214E: Fix not shown COMs in Win10
  • SioF81214E: Fix not working COMB
  • SioF81214E: Set ASL Device Name Prefix
  • SioF81214E: Change Default base address and IRQ configuration
  • SioF81214E: Fix not shown SSDT table in Windows (RWE)
  • SioF81214E: Configure some PCDs
  • SioF81214E: Enable package
  • SioF81214E: Add package
  • SioTqmx86: Hide LVDS feature when LVDS bridge is not populated
  • SioTqmx86: Add LVDS Clock Spreading menu
  • SioTqmx86: Enable Package
  • SioTqmx86: Add Package from earlier commit
  • Configure Board configuration via DEFINES
  • Configure SerIRQ in eSPI-to-LPC bridge ECE1200
  • use OemSvcLoadDefaultSetupMenu for 3 x reset processing
  • Set Memory SPD data dependend on board GPIOs
  • Set GPIO config in OEM Services
  • Disable I2S Codec Select
  • Delete batch file to prevent notice after build
  • Fix HDA not working (plus line-in used on MB-COME10-2)
  • Add verb table for ALC262 codec
  • Disable some Super IOs not used
  • Integrate TQ Boot Logo
  • Set maximal password length to 20 letters
  • Change InsydeH2O Version shown in SCU
  • Define BoardID as no Intel CRB
  • Reduce ID Read and Write/Erase frequency of SPI
  • Adapt CSE Configuration
  • Add SPI Flashes in VSCC entries
  • Correct Power Straps in Fit
  • Adapt eSPI frequencies and set IO-Modes to single
  • Adapt GPIO voltages
  • Define DQS Map CPU to DRAM mapping
  • Add gitignore file


On-board I2C devices


How To

Take screenshot from BIOS or UEFI shell

Take a screenshot from the BIOS

  1. Connect a USB stick (FAT32 formatted) to the mainboard
  2. Boot the system into the BIOS menu and move to the desired BIOS screen
  3. Press <F11> to take a screenshot of the actual screen
  4. Select the desired storage device in the pop-up window and press <Enter>
The file will be stored as YYYYMMDDhhmmss.BMP

Take a screenshot from the UEFI shell

  • Connect a USB stick (FAT32 formatted) to the mainboard
  • Boot the System into the UEFI shell
  • Press <F11> to take a screenshot of the actual screen
  • Select the desired storage device in the pop-up window and press <Enter>
The file will be stored as YYYYMMDDhhmmss.BMP

BIOS/UEFI Configuration

Activate eMMC

To activate or deactivate eMMC Support apply the following settings:

1. Boot the system into the BIOS menu
2. Set up 'SCS/SCC Configuration' option in the BIOS Menu accordingly:

 BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > RC Advanced Menu > PCH-IO Configuration > SCS Configuration > eMMC 5.1 Controller = <Enabled>

3. Press <F10> to save the settings and reboot the system

Toggle module configuration between GPIO and SD card

The module can be configured either on GPIOs or on SD card. The same pins are used for both functions.
Only one function can be used at a time.

Activate SD-Card:

1. Boot the system into the BIOS menu
2. Set up 'SD-Card Controller' option in the BIOS Menu accordingly:

 BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > RC Advanced Menu > PCH-IO Configuration > SCS Configuration > eMMC 5.1 Controller = <Enabled>
 BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > RC Advanced Menu > PCH-IO Configuration > SCS Configuration > SDCard 3.0 Controller = <Enabled>

3. Set up 'GPIO/SD-Card Configuration' option in the BIOS Menu accordingly:

 BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > SIO TQMx86 > GPIO/SD-Card configuration = <SD-Card Interface>

4. Press <F10> to save the settings and reboot the system

Activate GPIOs:

1. Boot the system into the BIOS menu
2. Set up 'SD-Card Controller' option in the BIOS Menu accordingly:

 BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > RC Advanced Menu > PCH-IO Configuration > SCS Configuration > SDCard 3.0 Controller = <Disabled>

3. Set up 'GPIO/SD-Card Configuration' option in the BIOS Menu accordingly:

 BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > SIO TQMx86 > GPIO/SD-Card configuration = <GPIO Interface>

4. Press <F10> to save the settings and reboot the system

Enable console redirection (Serial)

To activate or deactivate console redirection apply the following settings:

1. Boot the system into the BIOS menu
2. Set up 'Console Redirection' option in the BIOS Menu accordingly:

 BIOS Frontpage > Setup Utility > Advanced (Tab) > Console Redirection > Console Serial Redirect = <Enabled>

3. Select and activate the desired UART port:

 COMx > PortEnable = <Enabled> 

Press <F10> to save the settings and reboot the system

Now the UEFI interface will be printed on the desired port with the Serial Port settings.

Reset UEFI Settings to Default

There are several ways to reset the UEFI firmware settings to the default values.


The UEFI settings are stored in the SPI flash and no longer in the CMOS memory. Removing the buffer battery does not reset the settings.

The UEFI settings can be reset by pressing F9 in the UEFI. You have to be in the Setup Utility Page to use this function.

To reset the settings without the display, proceed as follows:

  1. hold ESC on the keyboard to enter UEFI (about 1min. to be safe)
  2. Press the Down key at least 5 times
  3. Press return to open the Setup utility
  4. Press F9 and then press Return to load setup defaults
  5. Press F10 and then Return again to save the settings and restart

When updating the UEFI firmware, the firmware defaults are loaded and all changes to the settings are lost.
Installing the same firmware resets these settings (e.g. UEFI update under Windows).

Our modules provide a function that allows to reset the UEFI to default values in case of emergency.
For this, the reset button must be pressed three times within one second.
If the module LED blinks red for a short time the reset to defaults was successful.

  • Last modified: 2024/09/13 09:43