Embedded module TQMa57xx - YOCTO Linux BSP documentation

Starterkit Interfaces and Functions


CAN is typically not enabled in the current BSP. To enable the CAN interfaces use the following commands:
ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
ip link set can1 up type can bitrate 500000

CAN configuration

DIP switches SW3 and SW4 are used to configure the CAN interfaces CAN0 and CAN1.

Function SWx-1 SWx-2
CAN-Bus not terminated OFF OFF
not defined (illegal state) OFF ON
not defined (illegal state) ON OFF
CAN-Bus terminated with 120 Ohm ON ON

CAN Loopback

Loopback Test CAN Interface

CAN0 -> CAN1

candump can0&
cansend can1 5A1#11.2233.44556677.88

CAN1 -> CAN0

candump can1&
cansend can0 5A1#11.2233.44556677.88


The STKa57Xx Starterkit provides two Gigabit and two 10/100 Mbit Ethernet interfaces.


In U-Boot eth0 is configured as default interface. The IP configuration can be done statically or by a DHCP server in the network.

IP configuration via DHCP

For a configuration via a DHCP server, use the dhcp command in U-Boot.

Static IP configuration For a static IP configuration the following, U-Boot environment variables must be set:

setenv ipaddr <ipaddr> 
(e.g.: setenv ipaddr
setenv netmask <netmask> 
(e.g.: setenv netmask


All Ethernet interface are activated and configured by systemd-network. The configuration files for the eth0 interface is located in /lib/systemd/network/ these configuration file can be altered to customize the default interface configuration. A documentation of the configuration files can be found here.

eth0 10-eth0.network

For a temporary static configuration the ip command can be used, below some useful ip commands are listed:

Activate a specific interface
e.g. eth0

ip link set eth0 up

Disable a specific interace
e.g. eth0

ip link set eth0 down

Show ip address for a specific interface
e.g. eth0

ip addr show eth0

Show statistic for a specific interface
e.g. eth0

ip -s link show eth0 

Set ip address for a specific interface
e.g. eth0

ip addr add dev eth0

Show statistic of all interfaces

ip -s link

Set default gateway for a specific interfaces
e.g. set gateway ip for eth0

ip route add default via dev eth0

If a DHCP server is available in the network environment the ip configuration can be received from it. To do so execute the udhcpc command, by default eth0 is used.
To configure another interface via dhcp the parameter -i followed by the interface name e.g. eth1 must be given.
e.g. eth1

udhcpc -i eth1 


An overview of the onboard i2c devices is available here


Select i2c bus device

i2c dev 0

Show all devices connected to the i2c bus currently selected:

i2c probe


Detect all devices connected to a i2c bus:

i2cdetect 0


To set the hardware clock to the actual time and date use the following commands:

date -s [YYYY.]MM.DD-hh:mm[:ss]
hwclock -w


The MBa57xx has one SPI interfaces. They can be found on the extension headers and can be tested with a loopback test.

SPI Overview

Interface linux filesystem
SPI1 /dev/spidev1.0

Loopback Test SPI Interface

For the loopback test you need a bridge between SPI_MOSI and SPI_MISO:

  • SPI1: bridge between X56_43 (SPI1_D1) and X56_44 (SPI1_D0)
echo -n -e "\x01\x0F" | spi-pipe -d <spi interface> -s 10000000 | hexdump
(e.g. echo -n -e "\x01\x0F" | spi-pipe -d /dev/spidev1.0 -s 10000000 | hexdump)

Temperature Sensors


Read TQMa Temperature Sensor

cat /sys/devices/platform/44000000.ocp/48000000.interconnect/48000000.interconnect:segment@0/48070000.target-module/48070000.i2c/i2c-0/0-001f/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input

Read CPU internal Temperature Sensor
The AM57xx CPU has an internal TMU that supports five thermal zones, all can be read by the commands below:

Thermal zone0

cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

Thermal zone1

cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp

Thermal zone2

cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone2/temp

Thermal zone3

cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone3/temp

Thermal zone4

cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone4/temp


With lsusb you can see all connected usb devices. To mount a partition of an usb stick you can excute mount /dev/<partition> <mount dir> (e.g. mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt). This will mount the first partition of sdb to /mnt. To unmount the device execute umount <mount dir> (e.g. umount /mnt).

User LED

The MBa57xx has two user controllable LEDs, the behavior of these LEDs can be selected by several triggers.

User LED Overview

Reference LED name color linux filesystem
V70 out0 green /sys/class/leds/out0
V69 out1 green /sys/class/leds/out1

User LED Location

The user LED's are located in /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/.
To change the behaviour a specific LED, the value in the file trigger must be overwritten.

The following values are valid:

For example set the trigger of out0 to heartbeat

echo heartbeat > /sys/class/leds/out0/trigger