Embedded module TQMa6x - PTXdist Linux BSP documentation

U-Boot Environment
Affects U-Boot Environment
Issue U-Boot Environment loading/storing uses eMMC only
Effect If eMMC contains a valid environment sector the BSP Rev.0113 U-Boot will load that environment regardless of the actual boot device (e.g. sd card).
As the partition layout has been changed with BSP Rev.0110, boot commands from environments of BSP Revs. ≤ 0109 will not work anymore.
In consequence booting BSP Rev.0113 U-Boot will fail if an environment from BSP Rev. ≤ 0109 is present in eMMC.
Solution / Workaround Will be fixed in next BSP release.
Workaround boot failure:
  1. Boot from SD card using BSP Rev.0113 U-Boot
  2. Interrupt autoboot to access the U-Boot command line interface
  3. Set eMMC to be the active mmc device
    mmc dev 0
  4. Erase the environment sector
    mmc erase 0x800 0x800
  5. Reboot the system:
  6. Interrupt autoboot to access the U-Boot command line interface
  7. Save default enviroment to eMMC
Build failure on Ubuntu 16.x host
Affects Image/RootFS creation
Issue Segmentation fault caused by genimage-7 tool when run on Ubuntu 16.x host
Effect Target root.ext2 fails to build.
Solution / Workaround Use genimage-8 instead of genimage-7

1. copy host-genimage.in and host-genimage.make from /usr/local/lib/ptxdist-2015.05.0/rules/ to TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109/rules/
2. modify TQMa6x-BSP-REV.0109/rules/host-genimage.make like this:
HOST_GENIMAGE_MD5        := 506a0cd6722431af87ef7cfe437662cc

3. run ptxdist clean host-genimage
4. run ptxdist images

U-Boot build failure
Affects U-Boot build stage
Issue Typo in configs/platform-tq-mba6x/rules/u-boot-spi-tqma6s.make
Effect When U_BOOT_SPI_TQMA6S is selected, U-Boot fails to build properly.
Solution / Workaround Change line 29 in configs/platform-tq-mba6x/rules/u-boot-spi-tqma6s.make from
Bug in UDP test
Affects iperf3 package provided with BSP
Issue iperf3 reports extremly high packet loss when performing an UDP test
Effect iperf3 is not suitable to determine meaningful UDP performance values
Solution / Workaround Use older version of iperf (e.g. iperf2)
U-Boot build failure
Affects U-Boot build stage
Issue Typo in configs/platform-tq-mba6x/rules/u-boot-tqma6q.make
Effect When PTXCONF_U_BOOT_TQMA6S is not selected (i.e. U-Boot should only be build for TQMaQ), U-Boot fails to build properly.
Solution / Workaround Change line 66 in configs/platform-tq-mba6x/rules/u-boot-tqma6q.make from
Kernel does not boot
Affects U-Boot & U-Boot environment
Issue New Kernel memory map
Effect Kernel does not boot (properly) with U-Boot and U-Boot environment from BSPs < Rev. 0104
Solution / Workaround Use U-Boot from BSP Rev. 0104 and reset U-Boot envrionment to default (any custom variables can, of course, be added again afterwards).
Qt Creator debugging fails
Issue Missing support for Python scripts (i.e., gdb is not configured using –with-python)
Effect Qt Creator Debugging Helpers will not work (properly)
Solution / Workaround Build toolchain from source



  • Affected Revisions: all
  • Issue: missing support for GIGE
  • Solution: currently none, under investigation
  • Affected Revisions: all
  • Issue: missing support for boot from SPI-NOR
  • Solution: currently none, planned for future release
  • Affected Revisions: prerel 20130704
  • Issue: missing LED support for USB-Ethernet port
  • Solution: fixed in newer BSP


  • Affected Revisions: prerel 20130407
  • Issue: spurios kernel panic when mounting NFS root on TQMa6S
  • Solution: fixed in newer releases
  • Affected Revisions: up to 0100
  • Issue: wrong Bitrate setup
  • Solution: fix planned for REV 0101
  • Affected Revisions: all
  • Issue: missing support for GIGE
  • Solution: Software fix planned for REV 0101, needs MBa6x 0102
  • Affected Revisions: all
  • Issue: Hub power issue, hub signals that port draws too much current even if the hub is powered
  • Solution: fixed, needs hardware workaround on MBa6x REV0100, fixed on newer revisions
  • Affected Revisions: prerel 20130407
  • Issue: I2C eeprom access slow
  • Solution: fixed in newer releases
  • Affected Revisions: all
  • Issue: spurios SD card write error -84
  • Solution: under investigation



  • Affected Revisions: all
  • Issue: missing support for cortex-strings in glibc
  • Solution:
    1) If performance impacts are noticed, use OSELAS.Toolchain for cortexa8. It is known to work
    2) Try other toolchain with cortex-strings support
  • Last modified: 2022/08/04 15:02