Embedded module TQMxE40S Documentation

Issue Currently it is not possible to flash the internal BIOS from an external SPI.
It is also currently not possible to program an external SPI chip using the module.
Affected Revisions
BIOS all revisions
Module TQMxE40S, all revisions
Mainboard MB-SMARC-3, all revisions
Fix Please contact TQ-Support if the module does not start due to a corrupted BIOS.
Issue Currently there is no software support for the used I2S codec chip (TLV320AIC3294) on the MB-SMARC-3 from the chip manufacturer.
Affected Revisions
BIOS all revisions
Module TQMxE40S, all revisions
Mainboard MB-SMARC-3, all revisions
Fix Please contact TQ-Support if you have questions about I2S.
  • Last modified: 2022/08/04 15:02